In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Act for Confidence in the Digital Economy, and the decree of January 10, 2017 relating to the information of consumers by professionals involved in a real estate transaction. We inform you that:
Our agency fees are available on our website, or on request by email, post, phone or from our contact page.
Postillon Immobilier
34 Bd Victor Hugo
06000 Nice
tel : +33 4 93 82 02 53
Tribunal de commerce : 79766941300016
Capital : 1.000,00 €
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire: FR15797669413
Carte professionnels N° CPI 0605 2020 000 045 391
Délivré le 25 Janvier 2024 par le CCI de NICE Côte d'azur.
Médiateur : MEDIMMOCONSO 1 Allée du Parc de Mesemena - Bât A - CS 25222 - 44505 LA BAULE CEDEX
Capital de 12.500 €
1 rue Allieis
75 Antibes
06400 Cannes - France
+33 (0)4 92 91 90 63
Registre du commerce : 489 890 483